BC-ICE is a Burnaby/New Westminster physiotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture and kinesiology clinic.
Contact us for any questions or to book an appointment
BC Injury Care & Exercise Inc. (BC-ICE)
Burnaby Square Professional Building
Unit 201 – 7885 6th Street
Burnaby, BC V3N 3N4
Tel: (604) 553-4000
Fax: (604) 553-4100
There is a 30-minute street level parking lot which can be accessed from 6th Street.
Additional underground parking is available (with no time limit), please follow the street level parking lot to the back and follow the ramp down to our underground parkade.
To access BC-ICE from the underground parkade, you will take the elevator up to the 2nd floor. Upon exiting the elevator, you will walk straight towards the stairwell, and BC-ICE is the last door on the right.